
I am an undergrad in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at University of Massachusetts Amherst . I am an undergraduate researcher at the Laboratory for Advanced System Software (LASS), University of Massachusetts Amherst, where I am advised by Prof. Prashant Shenoy. My research focuses on deep learning hardware, edge devices, mobile edge computing, and efficient AI.

Recent News

  • Dec 2022: The Fall 2022 Rising Researchers University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • May 2022: Spring 2022 Semester Dean’s list for achieveing a GPA of 3.5 or better
  • December 2021: Fall 2021 Semester Dean’s list for achieveing a GPA of 3.5 or better
  • Oct 2021: Presented and published a paper at 2021 IEEE MIT Undergraduate Research Technology Conference
  • July 2021: Published paper at The Twelfth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy), 2021.
  • Oct 2020: Awarded by the Association for Computing Machinery for best COVID-19 response research