Publications (Google Scholar Profile)

Energy and Cost Considerations for GPU Accelerated AI Inference Workloads
Tergel Molom-Ochir, Rohan Shenoy 2021 IEEE MIT Undergraduate Research Technology Conference (URTC). IEEE.

Design Considerations for Energy-efficient Inference on Edge Devices
Walid A. Hanafy, Tergel Molom-Ochir, Rohan Shenoy The 2nd International Workshop on Energy-Efficient Learning at the Edge . WEEE 2021.

Poster Abstract: WiFiMon: A Mobility Analytics Platform for Building Occupancy Monitoring and Contact Tracing Using WiFi Sensing
Emmanuel Cecchet, Amrita Acharya, Tergel Molom-Ochir, Amee Trivedi, Prashant Shenoy Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems. SenSys 2020:.

WiSleep: Scalable Sleep Monitoring Using Passive WiFi Sensing
Priyanka Mary Mammen, Camellia Zakaria, Tergel Molom-Ochir, Amee Trivedi, Prashant Shenoy, Rajesh Balan Preprint. arXiv:2102.03690

MARCo: Solar Powered Autonomous Robotic Unmanned Surface Vehicle
Tergel Molom-Ochir, Robert J. Twiggs, Thomas G. Pannuti Journal of Undergraduate Research. JUR Press Vol 11.