Poster Abstract: WiFiMon: A Mobility Analytics Platform for Building Occupancy Monitoring and Contact Tracing Using WiFi Sensing

Published in Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys '20), 2020



With the current COVID-19 pandemic, contact tracing and building occupancy tracking are key components of re-opening policies and quickly containing virus outbreaks. WiFiMon is a network-centric contact tracing method that uses enterprise WiFi networks logs for tracking devices and inferring building occupancy and building contact tracing reports in office and campus settings.

We have built WiFiMon on an analytics platform that leverages the popular open source ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana) to process syslog data at large scale and offer users dashboards to quickly monitor building occupancy and generate contract tracing reports.

WiFiMon has been deployed at several UMass campuses gathering daily data from over 5,000 WiFi access points and tens of thousands of users. Our software is freely available for anyone to use and can be found at